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The HJ4C
Lawsuit in IN

On September 8, 2022, the ACLU of Indiana filed a lawsuit on behalf of Hoosier Jews for Choice and 5 anonymous women claiming that SEA 1, Indiana’s abortion ban law, violates Indiana’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA).

The lawsuit argues that the plaintiffs, which include Jews, Muslims and independent spiritual believe systems, have sincere religious beliefs that they must be able to obtain an abortion under circumstances prohibited by SEA 1. RFRA, a law passed in Indiana in 2015, prohibits government action that interferes with a person’s religious exercise, unless the government can prove it has a compelling reason for doing so that is the least restrictive alternative available.




Our case was granted a preliminary injunction!


Sept 8, 2022
Lawsuit filed

Dec 22, 2022
Preliminary injunction

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